Saturday, November 12, 2011

The flower and its fragrance

The most beautiful thing on earth is our gratitude to divinity. Children always see more beauty than grown-ups do; because of their tremendous inner purity they see beauty in everything. Therefore we have to appreciate and admire them because they are still in the world of the soul. When the mind is "developed", it also goes through conditioning and so begins to find fault. We love to see ugliness and impurity even in things that are really beautiful and good If an artist has created something, we look for anomalies.

The child, however, regards everything as his very own, so he sees beauty in everyone and in everything. He feels that there is nothing in comparison with other things. In the inner world everything is beautiful. Divine love and divine beauty are inseparable. Love is the flower, beauty is the fragrance. They go together. A flower is an object, God's creation. But the flower has to offer its quality, that is, its fragrance. Only when you come near a flower will you see and appreciate its beauty. But even when you are far away, its fragrance can permeate the air.

If a flower does not have any fragrance, half its divinity is gone. Beauty comes forth from the flower which is love. Flower and fragrance are inseparably one. When earth's cry and heaven's smile meet, beauty's perfection dawns. Joy is a bird that we all want to catch. It is the same bird that we all love to see flying. What is the difference between pleasure and joy? Pleasure is followed by frustration, whereas joy is always followed by peace and more joy. There are two kinds of joy, outer joy and inner joy - there's a subtle difference between them.

We feel that the possessor of outer joy is somebody else, not ourselves. Very often we want to snatch this joy from others. Inner joy is not like this. When we meditate or contemplate, at that time we feel that we are the soul of joy. This joy that we possess inside is like a fountain; it comes spontaneously. Inner joy has no fear It can, if it wants, transform our human nature in the twinkling of an eye. If we can experience true inner joy even for a second we will feel that the world is totally different.

Now, we feel that we will have to change our attitude towards certain aspects of the creation if we want to have joy, because the world is constantly fighting and doing all undivine things. But if we can look at the world with our inner joy, we will see that the world has already changed? How can we get this inner joy? If we really feel that inner joy is the breath of our life, if we feel that we cannot exist without joy and we will die at this very moment if we do not have it, then God showers his choicest blessing, which is joy, upon us

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