Friday, November 18, 2011

Receipt, reaction and response

When we contact the world, three distinct transactions take place: Receipt of stimuli from the world, reaction within your personality and response to the world.

Stimuli from the world reach you through your organs of perception. Colour and form enter through your eyes, sound through ears, smell through nose, taste through tongue and touch through skin. Having entered therein the stimuli react with your mind and intellect. The type of reaction that will set in will depend upon the type of stimulus contacted and the nature of the mind and intellect reacting with it. Consequent to the reaction your mind and intellect send out responses back into the world through your organs of action.

Take for example your present experience of reading this. Your eyes are taking in the stimuli in the form of letters and words. These stimuli reach your mind and intellect. A reaction sets in. It generates a particular type of feeling and judgement depending upon the quality and texture of your mind and intellect. To some, what is generated may be favourable and they will respond positively, continuing the study. To others the reaction may be unfavourable; they will respond negatively and discontinue the study.

The three transactions - receipt, reaction and response -- are constantly taking place in your life. The human system and mechanism resemble the working of a factory. In a manufacturing process also there are three main operations. Raw material is fed into the factory at one end. The material is processed by machines. The manufactured products are drawn out and despatched at the other end. For best results all three operations have to be perfected. Raw material taken in must be of good quality. Machines tuned up and operated properly. End products tested to meet requirements standards. So also the three transactions of life have to be regulated properly to ensure blissful existence in this world.

You are aware that your sense organs constantly perceive sense objects of the world. All sorts of stimuli reach your personality. Check their quality. Avoid inflow of impure and unhealthy stimuli; they create mental agitations. They are germs which cause psychological diseases. Examine the type of sights that your eyes see, the food that your tongue tastes... Control and regulate your perceptions to ensure inflow of pure and healthy stimuli.

Having controlled your perceptions you must next examine the reactions taking place in you. You may regulate and receive healthy stimuli and yet they may produce unhealthy reactions like jealousy, greed and lust. These reactions are inevitable as they depend upon the nature of your existing mind and intellect. There are two ways of controlling the reactions. The initial and temporary way is to become aware of them and check their effects from spreading further. A permanent control is achieved by rehabilitating your mind and intellect. Vedanta helps you to exercise both controls.

The third transaction is the response transmitted by your mind and intellect through the organs of action. Examine the quality of actions perpetrated by your body. If the actions are selfish and self-centred, they tell upon your life. They agitate your mind; they make you unhappy. To avoid this, your actions have to be unselfish. Apply Vedantic knowledge in your day-to-day living. You will experience peace and happiness.

Wherever and whatever you are, perfect these three transactions. No two individuals fit the same descriptions. We are a heterogeneous mixture of personalities. Every individual's nature is best suited for his own evolution.

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